I write and edit academic and creative texts, with an emphasis on ecological restoration. I also teach writing, music, and coding online.

Writer & Editor
"The words of my book nothing, the drift of it every thing..."
-Walt Whitman
- Birthday: July 1978
- Website: newlanguagestudio.com
- City: Stilwell : Kansas, USA
- Age: 45
- Degree: PhD in English
- Email: chad@newlanguagestudio.com
- Freelance: Available
I continue to be fascinated by human ecologies, and how certain narratives and behaviors evolve and persist because of selective pressures. In my small way, I want to set strange memetic machinery loose on digital landscapes.
C. A. Hines
Creative Human that wants to earn money doing cool and meaningful things. Would like to help others do the same.
- Remote
- chad@newlanguagestudio.com
PhD in 19th Century U.S. Literature & Culture
2004 - 2010
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
What if stories evolved in a way similar to organic life, adapting to a cultural rather than biological environment?
I looked at connections between ecology, literature, and evolution in late 19th and Early 20th Century texts.
Master's in the Humamities
2002 - 2003
University of Cicago, Chicago, Illinois
I looked at how novels could create self-contained symbolic systems, with Look at the Harlequins! by V. Nabokov as a focus. In a way, this was the opposite of my work in Iowa City, which looked at literary texts in the context of cultural ecologies.
Bachelor's in English
1996 - 2000
Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
I read a lot of books, and did improv.
Professional Experience
Freelance Editing and Proofreading
2013 - Present
- Proofread and Edit in English for cleints from around the world, specializing in academic and technical writing.
- Stay up to date with online learning and publishing tools.
- Publish book reviews, articles, and fiction.
- Write for video and role playing games.
Independent Contractor
2017 - Present
- Run online role playing games with Adventures in Cardboard.
- Teach English online with Engoo global.
- Guide kids through coding at Codeverse.
- Tutor students privately.
English Teacher
2019 - 2020
La Universidad de la Cañada, Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca, Mexico
- Taught three courses of English to over 80 students, as one of two English-speaking faculty at the University.
- Designed and implemented course material, including lessons, quizzes, and exams.
Elementary School Teacher
2015 - 2016
Kuska School, Ollantaytambo, Peru
- Taught English, Physical Education, and Science according to an experimental, project-based methodology.
- Worked with multi-cultural and multi-lingual faculty and students to foster ecology-based learning and understanding.
I have worked with academics, authors, and game designers.
Beta Reading
Have a document you want expert feedback on? We could trade pages, or you could pay me. If it's something interesting, I might read it for free!
I specialize in developmental editing for non-native speakers of English, as well as technical and academic texts.